"This is an allegory...similar to the Screwtape Letters...only in Dragon Slayers, a legendary Dragon Slayer is answering the questions of a brave and renowned younger Dragon Slayer."
“Dragon Slayer: A Journey Of The Soul is simply marvelous! Written in compelling style as a series of letters, it is reminiscent of great literary contributions of the past. This outstanding book will not only inspire millions to much needed courage in this critical hour but promises to become a reference point for many years to come. Buy it! Read it! Give it away! Live it!” - Deacon Keith Fournier, Constitutional Lawyer, Author, Editor in Chief of Catholic Online
“A fascinating and powerful journey that rivals the works of C.S. Lewis regarding the struggles in every person’s soul, and the internal and external Dragons one must slay to find freedom and peace.” - R.H. Psychotherapist
“Dragon Slayer is one of the most profound books I’ve ever read. I saw myself on nearly every page, and felt the letters were written just for me. We are all fighting Dragons in some part of our lives. I highly recommend this book to help deal with the struggles in your work, your family... and your heart. I know you will be blessed.” Retired Intelligence Officer.